MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Everyone can access all forums.
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Since yesterday everyone (even guests) can access all our forums, even our private ones.

I have no idea how this is possible, the forum has been running fine for a few years now but since yesterday we are having this problem.

All permissions are still ok but for some reason everyone can see and access all our open forums.

Forum URL: (We are running Version 1.6.9)
(You can't see it atm because I closed the forum for security reasons)

If anyone knows how to fix this they would help us out allot.

Thanks in advance,
Did this happen after the upgrade? Which version did you upgrade from? Please check your forum permissions in the ACP. If this does not solve your problem then post an ACP login and link to your forum in Private Inquiries.
What plugins do you have?
I've made a thread in Private Inquiries as you asked Leefish.

Here's a list of my plugins:

Board Copyright
Awaiting Activation Message
A clear news bar
Activate users from Mod CP
Admins can log into Users' accounts
Board Messages
Emergency Message System
Show Events on Index
Group Notice
Group Message
Hello World!
Menu Manager
Notify of Join Request
Private Messages Admin
Stop forum spam
Usergroup legends
VIP Membership

Currently I'm not using any of them though.
I should also make time to remove the ones that I'm really not using anymore. :/

Incase someone wants to know how this was solved I found the issue:

I was getting this MySQL error: 1153 - Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes when trying to update my forum permissions.
I contacted my hosting provider and they changed my 'max_allowed_packet' and this has fixed the problem, guests or anyone else can no longer see areas that they should not be able to see. Smile

Thanks allot to the staff from MyBB for the great and quick support. Wink