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Full Version: How easy is to convert a VB plugin to MyBB
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(2013-01-18, 10:59 PM)Omar G. Wrote: [ -> ]Well I was asking for simple directions and detailed information about how it works. No images needed.

Ok sorry.

Admin have the ability to choose events, in my case soccer matches and like in real betting set odds on the match ending "win, lose, draw"

Members can then bet forum cash on those odds, any bets are automatically deducted from their account, winnings are automatically added.

In VBookie you can also win more by betting on the score for better odds.
Maybe a stupid question but, how will this work without a "cash" system integrated?

Anyways, sounds like it will best as a Newpoints plugin, that alone would be half the work.
(2013-01-21, 07:12 AM)Omar G. Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe a stupid question but, how will this work without a "cash" system integrated?

Anyways, sounds like it will best as a Newpoints plugin, that alone would be half the work.

Thats the whole point to integrate it as a Newpoints plugin
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