Hey everyone.
Me and a few friends/colleagues are starting a web design/development business, which will be covering MyBB themes amongst many other design areas.
I'd like some feedback on the design, and the business idea in general.
Here is what I originally designed for the homepage:
I spent the past few days coding it, it's still not quite finished but it's about 95% complete:
All type of feedback is welcome!
I feel like the glow is way too strong in the top menu on the designed version, also the text is rendered badly for me in the coded one, but nice job.
(2013-01-23, 11:33 PM)Eric J. Wrote: [ -> ]I feel like the glow is way too strong in the top menu on the designed version, also the text is rendered badly for me in the coded one, but nice job.
Thanks for the feedback

I may look into using a different font, it didn't render too well in opera for example.
Business-wise, my only suggestions are to remain honest, polite, and willing to accept criticism and improve. I know you already exert these qualities, so keep up the positive attitude.
Design-wise, as mentioned, the font rendering is quite poor. I don't know if you're still using a low-DPI screen, but it is rather small and readability is quite poor.
Although the use of color is consistent, my eyes aren't particularly drawn to any one thing on the page, and the text doesn't portray any relation to the coinciding images. I realize you're still using placeholders, but this will need to be addressed regardless.
The home page appears too busy, which doesn't help with the above point. You don't need to fit every important thing on the homepage, as long as it's easy for users to find and navigate. Sliders are good because they will make people want to click when they see something they like. The request form could be moved to an entirely separate page (with more details on how to make a request, and such), and just make it easy for users to find the link, as this is definitely important for business.
The effects on many of the elements are a nice touch. User feedback is good, and I don't think there's much I can comment on about this in the design's current state.
Recent designs/products (see: the three lolblue tiles on the lower portion of the page) should be contained to one area if possible [the slider], unless there's something really special you need to convey with it. Keep descriptions to very few words, or on product information pages. Otherwise, you tend to just add to the "business" of the page.
So, in a nutshell: reduce the business of the design, and place more emphasis on the important aspects through effective use of space and color (and less or no emphasis on the less important stuff, at least on the homepage).
These are my main criticisms at this point. Rather than making specific suggestions, I'll let you interpret this as you will, and look forward to future improvements.
Quote:Although the use of color is consistent, my eyes aren't particularly drawn to any one thing on the page, and the text doesn't portray any relation to the coinciding images. I realize you're still using placeholders, but this will need to be addressed regardless.
I think this is my biggest problem with the design.
Other then that though, I think it looks really nice.
Chris, I appreciate your lengthy response! I agree with most of the stuff you said, and a lot of the things you mentioned were also mentioned by other people. Mainly the layout/structure and organization of things. The thought I had was the slider contains all the recent designs and projects, and the 3 lol blue things will be products (ie; forum themes for sale). Some things might crossover, but I think I can justify having both of them there, I might need to tweak some things though to make this clearer.
wethegreenpeople, thanks for the response!
Looks like a nice, high quality theme. Good job

Thanks Acid. Just so there''s no confusion this isn't a forum theme.
I've made some updates to the demo site, feedback would be appreciated on the new addition of the social links. Got a feeling people may find the glow too intense.
Also added the ability to change the color scheme to either blue/green/red and will be adding more colors.
Changed the minimum font size from 10px to 12px. Still need to remove the contact form on the homepage, any ideas what I could replace it with?
Creating a web page is a fun future. The Intox design is great one to started. I like to join into this community..
Really liking the layout and feel of this site, I would make sure your logo image has no extra space
or "padding" as it should just glow when over the text, I can't wait until your site is finished up cause
I would def. give your guys quite a bit of business!
Ahh I also see your the creator of intoxfusion! I just wanted to add i'm a really big fan of that theme!