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Full Version: Increase attachment size in post
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I want to increase the attachment size as well as number of attachment in post..... Pls anyone can help me out...

Thanks in advance...
Size of attachment:
AdminCP > Configurations > Attachment Type > Maximum File Size (Kilobytes)

Attachment per post:

ACP> Configuration > Settings > Posting > Maximum Attachments Per Post
I have done that and its showing in attachment that unlimited but two files more than 8 mb are not uploading in post...
Maybe your host is not allowing you to upload 8mb file. Ask your host how much is your PHP's own limitation. Some hosts allow you to increase this too by changing the php.ini file. Contact your host if you want to do this.
i have changed php.ini file and increase its size also.. but still problem comes..

This is problem of host?
I guess it is. Because if you changed in forum options and you still have a problem, only thing which can cause is host limitation.
okk thanks a lot....

When i upload a large file then error is coming that --

Can not upload file - Too large for php post_max_size directive. Please press the back button.
Check your php configuration from ACP > Tools & Maintenance and you'll know how much you can upload per file. That is a problem which i said before. Ask your host to change the limit Smile
Okk its in hosting cpanel that i can change or its that hosting server has to change...
It depends on your hosting packet. Are you allowed to change it yourself or not. Best way is to ask your host what should you do Smile
Pages: 1 2