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Full Version: who's online
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hi in index whos online usually show
4 users active in the past 15
minutes (1 member, 0 of whom
are invisible, and 2 guests).
but there there bots are not mention why how to do that
Bots aren't counted as being "online" when they appear, to check them you can always visit your admin control panel and go to "Configuration" and on the left-hand side click on "Spiders/Bots".
But i found counting in other site if u wish i will post screenshots
Bots are not part of the count but their names show up on the list.
Don'nt belive me see my posted image
Ah that must be a plugin, I will have a look around for you.
Is this what you were looking for?
ya this is fantastic
and i want to remove the line
whom are invisible
where i got it
Sorry, could you please rephrase that.
please see my posted image i donnt want whom are invisible line in whos online
Admin CP -> Configuration -> Languages -> *Your language* -> Edit -> index.lang.php -> online_note
, {6} of whom {7} invisible