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Full Version: Removing certain links from the header template
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I find the 'welcome back' message useless, along with the 'last visited' bit. I want to remove those, but keep the user name and its profile link intact. Is there a way to do this?
I changed mine in Templates.

"header_welcomeblock_member" For Members


"header_welcomeblock_guest" for Guests
Yes, its the line:

<span class="welcome">{$lang->welcome_back} <a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/member.php?action=logout&amp;logoutkey={$mybb->user['logoutkey']}" class="logout">{$lang->welcome_logout}</a></span>

However, this looks to me like it cannot be removed without removing the name of the user who is logged in. I'm guessing it is all tied in the {$lang->welcome_back} part.
You need to edit the inc/ianguages/english/global.lang.php file, in global.lang.php find:

$l['welcome_back'] = "<strong>Welcome back, {1}</strong>. You last visited: {2}";
Or rather use custom variables specified on global.php.
I'm assuming both of those involve actually opening up the php files and modifying their code, yes?

On a related note, since I am doing a lot of editing that would be erased if I need to update the forums to a new version (latest at the moment, but I'm thinking ahead), is there an easy way to retain all modifications, or would I have to apply them each time there is an update to an affected file?
My suggestion does not require editing of php files. Only templates.

Here are the following values I have scraped up so far:
Display avatar

Display username (no formatting)

Display the user ID of the currently logged in user.

The time of the last visit.

Unread PMs

Total PMs
I just want to point out at this stage that when it comes to this sort of stuff, I am completely stumped. I'm going to need instructions like I am a 10 year old!
If you trust me enough to let me go into the ACP of yours with a test account, then I would be happy enough. PM me.

If you want to go the other way round, then I would take some time.
I would prefer to see from you how you would personally like it, so I can give you the most optimized value.
Yeah, I'd be a little more comfortable doing it the other way around. At least that way, I get to learn in the process. In any case, all I want is to turn:

Welcome back, hiig. You last visited: Today, 08:27:22 PM

to just

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