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Full Version: mark all forums read button
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how to add a button to mark all forums read
Add the following to your header_welcomeblock_member template.

<a href="misc.php?action=markread{$post_code_string}">{$lang->markread}</a>
(2013-02-03, 07:26 PM)pandaa Wrote: [ -> ]Add the following to your header_welcomeblock_member template.

<a href="misc.php?action=markread{$post_code_string}">{$lang->markread}</a>

Hey, I wonder this too !
I am using the theme "Apart1" that looks familiar to the one as this thread started.

I found this template and I tried put in the code under the <ul class="menu user_links"> where I have all those "view new post" etc.
But I ain't getting anything on there :/ the code ain't working for me.