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Full Version: find certain post #
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So I was wondering is there any way I can find out who posted post # 1000 for example...

Figured I'd give them a free sticker... Smile
You could run this via phpmyadmin:

SELECT p.*, u.uid, u.username FROM mybb_posts p LEFT JOIN mybb_users u ON (p.uid = u.uid) WHERE = 100;

I think that should work, though I've written it off the top of my head.
i'm guessing that should read = 1000 ?
Oops. Yes, it should. Sorry about that!
no problem, thanks for your assistance Smile

it worked... only problem is 1000'th post is me!
There goes that plan then. Maybe just give it to 1001?
that's what I decided Smile
Glad you've got it all sorted now then. In the future, please mark completed support requests as solved please. I've done it this time though Smile
gotcha, thanks