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Full Version: What's this error mean and how do I stop it?
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I had a similar error the other day and asked, but nobody answered...

Anyway, I just had it happen again. My system just ran the task called "half-hourly user cleanup" at 8:16 central time.

At that same exact minute, I received an email telling me this error just occurred:

Type: 20
File: (Line no. 0)
SQL Error: 1054 - Unknown column 't.uid' in 'where clause'
Query: SELECT pid FROM mybb_posts WHERE pid IN (
FROM mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike tyl
WHERE tyl.puid = 115) AND fid NOT IN ('8','38','42','39','43')AND ((fid IN(41) AND t.uid='115') OR t.fid NOT IN(41)) ORDER BY dateline DESC

What does this mean is happening and how do I look further into it?