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Full Version: Over 10.000 errors after installing Google SEO
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I changed




in Templates - Show Thread Templates - showthread

I will follow Webmaster Tools to see if the number of duplicate tags will decrease.
News Smile

Two weeks with a new robots.txt file.
After a little descending point, my errors chart still growing:
I highly doubt you're not going to get errors when Google can't see anything, and thus, giving you errors.
You mean that the robots.txt stucture is to restrictive?
Most likely. Bots are counted as Guests iirc, so if your guests can't see the forum, neither can the bots.
I know but is hard to let free acces to guests...

If the robots.txt is too restrictive, what should I have to delete from my robots file?

User-Agent: *
Disallow: /wp-content/plugins/
Disallow: /forum/syndication.php*
Disallow: /forum/captcha.php
Disallow: /forum/editpost.php
Disallow: /forum/forumdisplay.php*
Disallow: /forum/memberlist.php
Disallow: /forum/misc.php
Disallow: /forum/modcp.php
Disallow: /forum/moderation.php
Disallow: /forum/newreply.php*
Disallow: /forum/newthread.php*
Disallow: /forum/online.php
Disallow: /forum/portal.php*
Disallow: /forum/printthread.php*
Disallow: /forum/private.php
Disallow: /forum/ratethread.php
Disallow: /forum/report.php
Disallow: /forum/reputation.php
Disallow: /forum/search.php
Disallow: /forum/sendthread.php*
Disallow: /forum/showteam.php
Disallow: /forum/*sortby*
Disallow: /forum/task.php
Disallow: /forum/user*
Disallow: /forum/usercp.php*
Disallow: /forum/usercp2.php*
Disallow: /forum/calendar.php
Disallow: /forum/*action=emailuser*
Disallow: /forum/*action=nextnewest*
Disallow: /forum/*action=nextoldest*
Disallow: /forum/*year=*
Disallow: /forum/*action=weekview*
Disallow: /forum/*action=nextnewest*
Disallow: /forum/*action=nextoldest*
Disallow: /forum/*sort=*
Disallow: /forum/*order=*
Disallow: /forum/*mode=*
Disallow: /forum/*datecut=*
Disallow:/ *next
Disallow:/ *print
Disallow:/ *reply
Disallow:/ *post
Disallow:/ *action
Disallow:/ *user
Disallow:/ *=
Disallow: /forum/archive/
Allow: /

User-agent: MediaPartners-Google
Allow: /

* the root is for my blog and root/forum is for mybb.
From what I can see, your forum is about espresso, etc. There's not much content you need to hide. There should be no problem in letting guests on your site. If you're so worried, use: But I guarantee that your site will keep those errors if you keep your site on lockdown.
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