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Full Version: Rotate Image/Picture that has been posted
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Sorry if this has been covered already. I spent about 5 minutes looking/searching, but couldn't come up with anything.

I run a smallish outdoors forum where members often talk about hunting and fishing. Often times, there are reports that often times include several photos. I allow users to upload photos directly to my forum from smartphone/PC, or they can upload them to another site (photobucket, etc) and link to the picture

Problem: It's common for users to upload photos directly from their smartphone to the forum and it's quite common for these images to be sideways. Your smart phone recognizes the directional aspect of the photo so the picture will always appear upright on your phone, but once posted it's commonly sideways (sometimes upside down, sometimes perfectly rightside up too). Some PC user even have issues rotating pictures (perhaps from digital camera) before posting. As the admin, I'm constantly asked to rotate these pictures back to their upright position.

Hopeful Solution: I'm open to all suggestions, but is seems the most ideal would a solution that allows the image uploader to rotate the picture either during, or after posting. Is there a mod or solution that already exists? How do other MyBB sites handle this situation?

PS. I'm also using the Image Resizer & Optimizer with GD (1.1.1) plugin which resizes images down to a max width and height of 640 so they are viewable on standard PC resolutions.

I think, it can be done via jquery rotate plugin see example 5
Thank You Alone warror. That's a great start. I'm really hoping for something a little more integrated if possible. Please keep more ideas coming.
Anyone else have any other ideas? Is there anything as an Admin I can do? Currently, I would typically download the picture to my PC, then rotate the picture, then re-post it. Is this really my best/only option? Should I make a Mod request for something like this, or is it not possible to be an integrated mod?

Also, kindly let me know if I'm missing any information in this request.
Maybe try using a mycode that applies a rotation in css?