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Full Version: Login/Logout problems - I've checked the sticky.
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Hi guys,

Some of my users are having login and logout problems. I'd like to emphasize on SOME, because it works fine and dandy for most people, but every day, I get one or two users saying they can't login or logout.

I've checked the sticky and as far as I can see, everything is okay. I'm really stumped.

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Test account;
user: mybbtest
pass: mybbtest

This may or may not have to do (although I'm leaning towards may) with something I've received help in the past with here;

Its working for me. But post in the thread rather than making your own.
(2008-12-17, 07:20 PM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]Also, if you are still having problems logging in or out, please post in this thread rather than making a new one, as there is often 2 or 3 threads on this each day.
Oh Christ, sorry. I missed that part.

Should I repost this in the thread and have this locked?