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Full Version: Problem With Softaculous Install
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I'm a little technically deficient, so have to do things the simple way...
I tried a new install of MyBB 1.6.9 using Softaculous... into the root directory of my domain... so I don't think there was much I could screw up... Softaculous install indicated that it completed successfully, but I'm receiving;

MyBB Internal Error
MyBB has experienced an internal error and cannot continue.

Error Type:
MyBB Error (44)
Error Message:
MyBB was unable to load the SQL extension. Please contact the MyBB Group for support. MyBB Website
Please contact the MyBB Group for support.

This is a pretty good host, and I've used Softaculous to install many other scripts, including many instance of WordPress and others, with never one problem...

Any idea what this problem could be, and hopefully there is a simple solution...???
I've had other small issues with Softaculous before, namely when upgrading, so I would encourage you to manually install and update MyBB.

It's just a matter of uploading files, creating a database in cPanel, creating a database user, then going to yourdomain/install and following the directions.
The only technical thing about installing MyBB is uploading the files. Everything else is a breeze. Better yet, installing MyBB yourself allows you to learn. Don't let your technical deficiency get to you, allow yourself to learn by doing things you might not be able to do. I used to be completely dumb with MyBB, now I know it like hell.
Thanks guys... I tried one more install using Softaculous, and of course got the same error... don't know why I always hope for a better outcome... so tried the download and installing it myself, and made it thru in a breeze with no problems at all...