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Full Version: How do I add the DMCA Badge and the rest
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[Image: 2bXjg]

How do I add those type of referral links there
And the DMCA protect badge
And what about the rest?
ALEXA Badge:
VPS6 is their hosting site, i think.
But then how do I add it in the middle near the footer
you need to modify your FOOTER template.

just use the <center> CODE FOR BADGES </center> to center them.

Additionally add a class to <center class="badges"> CODE FOR BADGES </center> to modify them even more.

To use this class add '.badges' in global.css file & you can modify the margin/padding also.
And dont forget to check MyCode trick here Smile
I want it to be placed where shoutbox is
Dude, atleast provide some info on your forum URL, where ou want it to be, HEADER/FOOTER/BODY,

and if header/footer/index/etc provide their templates..
I will provide a screenshot [Image: 2bZqb] Im talking about just above the shoutbox where that advertisement is (Example Page)
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