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Full Version: CSS buttons problem
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that's because you're probably not using a complete grid system... what you could do... float left the left side group (use a class wrapper) and float right the right group (use a different class wrapper). Provided this is the setup you are using:
There's either a margin or padding on either or both parent elements or any of those elements shown in the picture causing the space discrepancy.
Yes as WebDevandPhoto mentioned its better to use complete grid system, it will give better control on both sides of the buttons and you can fine tune the spacing and everything.
I have no clue how I could do this to be honest with you guys.
Try to this.

.post_buttons {
margin-left: 5px;

I don't know if that is the exact code for the buttons container.
Else try to find the one that your website uses and add the margin-left code.
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