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Full Version: phpBB 3 merge error: Duplicate entry for key 'username'
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I just installed a vanilla MyBB 1.6.9 and then tried to merge my phpBB 3.0.10 forum with version 1.6.7 of the merge system. The "Database Configuration" step went fine but then it failed in the "Users" step with this error:

471 users are importing right now. There are 0 users left to import and 0 pages left.

 Loading data from database...
MyBB SQL Error
MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.

SQL Error:
1062 - Duplicate entry 'Löse' for key 'username'
INSERT INTO mybb_users (`usergroup`,`additionalgroups`,`displaygroup`,`import_usergroup`,`import_additionalgroups`,`import_displaygroup`,`import_uid`,`username`,`password`,`salt`,`loginkey`,`email`,`regdate`,`lastactive`,`lastvisit`,`website`,`showsigs`,`signature`,`showavatars`,`timezone`,`avatardimensions`,`avatartype`,`avatar`,`lastpost`,`icq`,`aim`,`yahoo`,`msn`,`hideemail`,`allownotices`,`regip`,`lastip`,`longregip`,`longlastip`,`language`,`passwordconvert`,`passwordconverttype`,`postnum`,`invisible`,`birthday`,`birthdayprivacy`,`subscriptionmethod`,`receivepms`,`receivefrombuddy`,`pmnotice`,`pmnotify`,`showquickreply`,`ppp`,`tpp`,`daysprune`,`timeformat`,`dst`,`buddylist`,`ignorelist`,`style`,`away`,`awaydate`,`returndate`,`referrer`,`referrals`,`reputation`,`timeonline`,`showcodebuttons`,`totalpms`,`unreadpms`,`pmfolders`,`notepad`,`threadmode`,`showredirect`,`dateformat`,`dstcorrection`,`warningpoints`,`moderateposts`,`moderationtime`,`suspendposting`,`suspensiontime`,`suspendsignature`,`suspendsigtime`,`coppauser`,`classicpostbit`,`loginattempts`,`failedlogin`,`usernotes`) VALUES ('2','','2','931','','931','3397','Löse','', ... snip ...)

I checked the phpBB users database and it only had one entry with that username. MySQL is version 5.1.68.

The phpBB forum had originally been running with a few mods but they got all dumped over the years (maintenance nightmare, which is why I am looking at MyBB now). We run Joomla with a JFusion phpBB bridge however. phpBB is configured as the master for JFusion.

I would appreciate any suggestions what I could try out or how to go about debugging this?
Sorry, I had totally overlooked the issue tracker. I created a new issue: