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Full Version: Cookie Consent Bar
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I currently use this code on my wordpress site:

It's to add a bar to the top of the site making visitors aware of the cookie law and to make sure they're happy with us storing cookies (due to EU Law).

I'm not looking for a plugin (unless it's easier) but I just need to add code to my mybb board so that I get the exact same bar on my board as well as the site, also I want it to install and look for the same cookie which should be fine as both my board and site are under the same url (http://myurl/forum).

Any help would be appreciated, all the code can be found by downloading the plugin from the above link however if you require more current code from my site feel free to ask and I will provide. Don't worry too much about the text used, I should be fine to edit that later.

can be done by adding required code in header template. however not sure about using a single cookie.
Yes I know that, I just couldn't work out the exact code to add.
There is a cookie plugin made out by Matt. Check out mods section.
The thing is as my board and website are merged, they appear to be one website and I want to keep this going by making sure the same bar appears at the top and that the bar doesn't show on both the board and the site if the 'hide this message' button is clicked on either.

I just quite simply need the exact same bar (very simple bar) to appear on my board and for it to install the same cookie (website and board are under the same url) so that it doesn't appear on both if clicked on either. Smile
This is no longer needed, read up below to find out more:
That's all the bar is, to tell people that the website uses cookies with a link to the cookie policy, that is something I still need.

Can anyone help please?
Can anyone help me? I just simply need to put that simple bar on my board and for it to do that same actions. Smile
I still need help adding this bar to my board.
Can no one help me with this? I just need the code to add the exact same bar in that plugin to my board.
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