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Full Version: Momentary white page before complete load
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Firstly, I am using a Windows server (2008).

Secondly, I am wondering why I receive a momentary white page before the entire page loads when navigating my forum.

To give you some background, my Debug Information would suggest the DB processing time is the problem. And my previous threads would suggest this to be the case. I am sure this is not MyBB specific, so I am unsure of what support might be offered.

Thirdly, is there a reason the forum might return the error message, 'Your board has not yet been upgraded' when switching the cache type from 'db' to 'files'?

Please feel free to view my board (and particularly the transition from page to page). (Login: member / BHF19ryC)

Thank you for any responses,

EDIT :: I have just found that removing {$stylesheets} from the templates removes this white interval, although I have yet to try it with a mock (static) CSS file.
Why add a bitly link? For all we know it's an infected page. I know I won't click it.
I just want to post an update for this.

The problem I had with cache type was resolved - I didn't have the correct permissions on the ./cache folder.

Also, the white page interval seemed not to be present when I removed the {$stylesheets} clause from the template file. Instead, I referenced my own static CSS file. Is there a problem in doing this? Does it mean I won't be able to use the Theme Editor?