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Full Version: What js file controls mark read?
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so on index of your forum you can hit the icon on.gif to become off.gif when there is something unread to become read.

What js file and specific code is behind this?

I would like to edit it so it works for .png to.

I have already edited general.js to make the read and unread work for .png's now my only issue is porting over the mark read from index function.

If its no simple edit I won't be able to do it. So plz kindly offer your assistance.Smile
solution was here
Please read the OP before giving a reply.

Thank you.
Oh, so you don't want a reply - fine by me. Edited.
I only want a reply that helps me find a solution to my problem which your reply didn't provide.

Once again properly read my first post to really find out my issue. Wink

If you still don't understand it I can't help you.

I think my first post is pretty clear.
Export the xml file then change the on.gif or off.gif to your choice and then import it again and set it as the theme