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Full Version: Is there any easy way to allow ALL attachment types?
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I find the default list of allowed attachment file extensions to be extremely restrictive, and I'd like to expand it.

I have unlimited hosting space, and users will be warned that they download files at their own risk; virus scan them, et cetera, before opening.
(Plus, any users who repeatedly spread around malicious files can just be banned.)

So, I see no reason why I shouldn't allow just about any file extension to be attached to a post. ... and also allow for extension-less files to be added, why not. (Yeah, there are a few old dinosaurs like me out there who remember such things.)

But... in mybb, the only way I can see to do that would be to add every single possible file extension, one by one. And to top it off, the mybb ACP dialog for this is a bit of a pain, making that notion even more tedious.

So, I'm looking for a quick way to...
...disable the system that checks a file's extension, so that it will accept any file, or
...quickly add every common file extension known to mankind, without needing to do them one at a time manually, or
...use a wildcard somehow, such as allowing .*** as a valid extension.

Hopefully one of you will have a quick, neat tip to save the day.
...otherwise, I'll have to dig into the file uploading code myself and gut out the parts that check the file extension for validity.