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Full Version: adsense help
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recently i installed adsense in my forum but i place only one ad but dont know why another one starting showing up..

i can see other ad in every post and want to remove that

i want to remove 2nd ad but not able to find how to remove this please help me regarding this..

i am posting screenshot of my site

site url :
Quote:steps i used to place ad is

Step 1: Go to your AdSense account (or any ad provider you’re using) and grab the code. In this example I’m using Chitika, 728×90 Leaderboard format.

Step 2: Go into Admin CP > Templates & Style > Templates > (your default template). Here you’ll need to choose where you want your ads to display. For header ads, go into Header Templates > header.


<br />

Below this, add the following code:

<div style="text-align: center;"></div>

Then insert your MyBB AdSense code just between this. It should look like this:

<div style="text-align: center;">YOUR MYBB ADSENSE OR ANY AD CODE GOES HERE</div>

Step 3: Save changes.
Take a look at my site,

I have the ad at the top which persists throughout the forum, ad one at the bottom. If this is what you want (I'm seeing good results with this setup) then undo everything you've done so far, or replace the files if you backed them up (this is good practice, always back up your files before tampering with code) then simply replace them.

Then click here. Follow that guide, it's a very well written guide that should help you out allot.

Good luck!
You have this below the Adsense code:

<!-- start: fb_likebutton -->
<div><div id="fb-root"></div>
<script>window.fbAsyncInit = function() {FB.init({appId: '', status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true});};(function(){var e = document.createElement('script'); e.async = true; e.src = document.location.protocol + '//'; document.getElementById('fb-root').appendChild(e); }());</script><fb:like  href="" layout="standard" show_faces="true" width="450" action="like" font="0" colorscheme="light"></fb:like>
<!-- end: fb_likebutton -->
	<div class="float_left">


I can't see any like button. Delete this code, it isn't working.
ohh! yes jose you are right this code is not working, deleted this code and my problem is solved!!