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Full Version: Attempting to upload an xml file and parse
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I'm trying to upload and parse an XML file to the server, which is generated by my wiki plugin and offered as a download. Problem - absolutely nothing is happening. Angry

This is the contents of my import.php file:


// Disallow direct access to this file for security reasons
	die("Direct initialization of this file is not allowed.<br /><br />Please make sure IN_MYBB is defined.");


$page->add_breadcrumb_item($lang->wiki_import, 'index.php?module=wiki-import');


$sub_tabs['wiki_import'] = array(
	'title'			=> $lang->wiki_import,
	'link'			=> 'index.php?module=wiki-import',
	'description'	=> $lang->wiki_import_description

$page->output_nav_tabs($sub_tabs, 'wiki_import');

if($mybb->request_method != 'POST')
	$form = new Form('', 'POST', '', 1, '', false, '');
	$form_container = new FormContainer($lang->wiki_import);
	$form_container->output_row($lang->wiki_xml_file, $lang->wiki_xml_file_desc, $form->generate_file_upload_box('xml_file', "", array('id' => 'xml_file')));
	$buttons = array();
	$buttons[] = $form->generate_submit_button($lang->wiki_commit);
	$info = pathinfo($_FILES['xml_file']['tmp_name']);
	$extension = $info['extension'];

	if($extension != 'xml')
		flash_message($lang->wiki_invalid_file, 'error');
		$string = file_get_contents($_FILES['xml_file']['tmp_name']);
		$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($string);
		foreach($xml->wiki->article as $article)
			$query = "INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "wiki('authors','title','content','protected','lastauthor','lastauthorid','category') VALUES('" . $article->authors . "','" . $article->title . "','" . $article->content . "','" . $article->protected . "','" . $article->lastauthor . "','" . $article->lastauthorid . "','" . $article->category . "',)";
			if($db->error_number > 0)
				flash_message($lang->wiki_import_error, 'error');
				flash_message($lang->wiki_import_success, 'success');



Absolutely nothing happens, no error messages, nothing. The file is not inserted into the db. What am I doing wrong? Smile
Have you activated the plugin? I suggest doing it after you've completely installed the files into the server. Also, adjust the settings after activating the plugin.
Yes, it's all installed and activated. There are no settings (yet) related to the importing of articles.

This is a sample output from the export:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
		<title>To be Exported</title>
			Export me!

I'm also on localhost, if that changes anything?
Which PHP version are you using, maybe it's lacking SimpleXML.
I'm using 5.3.13 - and I think SimpleXML came with PHP5?