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Full Version: problem with Mybb user and paswword check
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Guys i use curl protocol on my application.
so the users in my forum only allow to use this App after logging throw this appto his account in my forum but i have a problem on php side with password checking.
i think there is a problem on my php code because with correct user and password i have this error:
(incorrect username and/or password) . pleas help me

    // Database info
    $MySQL_Host = "localhost";
    $MySQL_User = "lol";
    $MySQL_Pass = "lol2";
    $MySQL_DB = "lol3";
	$tbl_name = "mybb_users";

    function ParsePost( )
        $username = '';
        $password = '';
        $post = file_get_contents( "php://input" );
        $post = str_replace( "&", " ", $post );
        sscanf( $post, "%s  %s", $username, $password );
        return array( 'user' => $username,
                      'pass' => $password
    function mysql_fetch_full_result_array( $result )
        $table_result = array();
        $r = 0;
        if( $result === true )
            return $result;
        if( mysql_num_rows( $result ) == 0 )
            return $result;
        while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ) )
            $arr_row = array();
            $c = 0;
            while ( $c < mysql_num_fields( $result ) )
                $col = mysql_fetch_field( $result, $c );   
                $arr_row[ $col -> name ] = $row[ $col -> name ];           
            $table_result[ $r ] = $arr_row;
        return $table_result;
    class DWAuth
        var $keys;
        function AddDWValue( $val )
            $this->keys[] = $val;
        function GetAuthString( )
            $result = "";
            foreach( $this->keys as $c )
                $result .= $c."#";
            return $result;
    class DB
        var $connection;
        var $started;
        function start()
            global $MySQL_Host, $MySQL_User, $MySQL_Pass, $MySQL_DB;
            $this->connection = mysql_connect("$MySQL_Host", "$MySQL_User", "$MySQL_Pass");
            mysql_select_db("$MySQL_DB", $this->connection );
        function query( $query )
            $result = mysql_query( $query, $this->connection );
            if( $result )
                return mysql_fetch_full_result_array( $result );
                return $result;
        function end()
            mysql_close( $this->connection );
        function isStarted()
            return $started;
    class Login
        function CheckLogin( $username, $password )
            $db = new DB();
            $query = "SELECT id, password, email FROM $tbl_name WHERE username='".$username."' AND password='".md5( $password )."';";
            $result = $db->query( $query );
            if( $result == false )
                return false;
                fwrite($fh, $result);
            if( md5(md5($row['salt']).md5($password)) == $result[ 0 ][ 'password' ] )
                return array( 'id' => $result[ 0 ][ 'id' ],
                              'mail' => $result[ 0 ][ 'email' ],
                              'user' => $username
    $packet = new DWAuth();
    $result = ParsePost();
    if( ( empty( $result[ 'user' ] ) ) || ( empty( $result[ 'pass' ] ) ) )
        $packet->AddDWValue( "fail" );
        $packet->AddDWValue( "Username and/or password is empty." );
        $packet->AddDWValue( 1 );
        $packet->AddDWValue( "Anonymous" );
        $packet->AddDWValue( "[email protected]" );
        $packet->AddDWValue( 0 );
        echo $packet->GetAuthString();
    $login = new Login();
    $result = $login->CheckLogin( $result[ 'user' ], $result[ 'pass' ] );
    if( $result == false )
        $packet->AddDWValue( "fail" );
        $packet->AddDWValue( "incorrect username and/or password." );
        $packet->AddDWValue( 1 );
        $packet->AddDWValue( "Anonymous" );
        $packet->AddDWValue( "[email protected]" );
        $packet->AddDWValue( 0 );
        $sessionID = md5( rand() );
        // How to make the return
        $packet->AddDWValue( "ok" ); // fail or ok
        $packet->AddDWValue( "Success." ); // Success or error
        $packet->AddDWValue( $result[ 'id' ] ); // UserID
        $packet->AddDWValue( $result[ 'user' ] ); // Username
        $packet->AddDWValue( $result[ 'mail' ] ); // email
        $packet->AddDWValue( $sessionID ); // sessionID
        $db = new DB();
        $query = "UPDATE users SET sid='".$sessionID."' WHERE id=".$result[ 'id' ];
        $result = $db->query( $query );
    echo $packet->GetAuthString();

guys pleas someone help me!!

guys pleas someone help me!!

pleas help thank you
pleas somebody look here !!
(2013-05-01, 06:15 PM)raminr63 Wrote: [ -> ]:|
pleas somebody look here !!

what are you trying to do ??? log some one into your forum from another script or use another script if a user is logged into your forum?
Did you try restarting your password.
Also you didn't somethings out. Here's a tutorial on how to install mybb. It should show the correct way to install everything and what to fill out.