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Full Version: online list showing incorrect entries
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I'm having an error on Harbinger ( ) with the full Who's Online list. A few times now, it has shown people posting in one thread when they are actually posting in another. I know it's not just that they have multiple tabs open because the members were never replying to the thread it says they were, and today it showed two members posting in a thread in an Administrator forum that they do not have access to see, let alone post in.

The thread that it says Santander is posting in is in an Admin forum that the account does not have access to. This member was, however, posting in another thread at this time. This is myBB version 1.6.8.
[Image: ce256f2122054b4ba8106a5.png]
Why don't you try upgrading to the latest version. It would not only ensure that you are up to date, but secure as well. This may also correct the issue that you are having.