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Full Version: SQL Error
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Hey, so the owner of our forum has been getting this SQL error and he is unsure about how to fix it. It is only brought up on the index (he can access online.php, awards.php, etc.). He is the only user getting this error.
[Image: 33k63b9.png]

Please reply ASAP.

Thank you!
any plugins recently added where this starts? that is not a query found in 1.6.10 that I could find.

The issue is two WHERE clauses
The owner installed, deleted, then re-installed the plugin 'ProPortal' twice if that matters. Is there anything he can do to fix this?
I am not really familiar with Pro-Portal specifics, but it seems like that is the problem as I can access forum display just fine. He should deactivate pro portal until he can determine the problem.