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Full Version: Force users to put links inside [url] tags?
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Is it possible to force users to use [url] tags... eg, not allow the link to be posted unless enclosed in [url]


auto add [url] tags to links without them...?

Auto-adding should be a trivial task with a plugin. But why would you need to do this?
I only want users who are logged in to be able to view links. That's taken care of by a plugin, but the plugin only works for links enclosed in URL tags...

So now I'm wasting time editing posts to enclose links in url tags when they haven't done so themselves
sounds like a bug in that plugin
My mistake. Links are being hidden. But must have www. or http:// in front of them. If just, the link isn't hidden. Regardless, it's rare for someone to post a link like that, so no problem. Thanks