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Full Version: 'Custom Profile Field' and 'Select Box'
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I have created a custom profile field with 4 items from which the user can select one in a select box.
When a user (or admin) edits the user profile, the select box always selects the first item, which causes the field to be reset to the default value each time the user edits his profile without explicitly set the field to the correct item.

steps to reproduce:
-Create a custom profile field with a select box and some items
-Edit a profile, and select any item except the first (default one), and save the profile.
-Edit the profile for the second time, and see.

Is this a bug, or am I missing something?

could not reproduce it on MyBB 1.6.9 (localhost) with default theme
javascript may not be working for you - if so, it could be corrupt / missing js files
or it could be a jQuery conflict (not sure)
The version I am using is 1.6.10.
Default Theme, no plugins.

Just tested it on my 'Test installation', and there it works, so I will investigate it.

Ok, found the problem.

One of my items has a ampersand in it (R&D) which causes the problem.
escaping with
is not the solution.

Is there any easy way to handle this?
