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Full Version: How do I fix this?
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Well I bought this forum off the user "veconomy" awhile ago, and I lost my job but found a new one and want to start it back up.

I have uploaded everything via ftp to my hosting and blah blah blah. Now when I go to my domain "" I get an error that is

"SQL Error:
1045 - Access denied for user 'veconomy_cody'@'localhost' (using password: YES)"

Now veconomy_cody is the person I bought it off of. I am guessing I have to change it to my sql db name, so where do I change this at?

Quote:Database: MySQL
SQL Error: 1045 - Access denied for user 'USERNAME'@'HOSTNAME' (using password: YES)
Query: [READ] Unable to connect to MySQL server
Information: This occurs when you are using MySQL and the database password is incorrect in ./inc/config.php. To fix this, open ./inc/config.php and check the entry for $config['database']['password']. If you do not know what needs to be here, contact your host provider.
go to ./inc/config.php and edit it change password to your new database password then it will start work again........