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What's the user's profile link variable?

Thank you.
There is no variable like that. Also you didn't specify where you need to use it so hard to help you.

If in plugin, you can use this function:
$myprofile = build_profile_link($username, $uid);
Then print $myprofile where you want.
$username/$uid are example arguments, for instance to make it show link for own profile use
$myprofile = build_profile_link($mybb->user['username'], $mybb->user['uid']);
So just give username(s) as 1st argument and uid(s) as 2nd.

If in templates, it heavily depends if you want link to own profile (possible with making url with {$mybb->user['uid']} in it) or someone's (impossible everywhere except in places like profile, memberlist, postbit. Unless you want to link only specific person - then just place link to his profile).