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That is definitely your hosting mate, just trust me... 9 queries in 6.3 seconds is stupidly slow. It's like an olympic athlete running the 100 metres in 6 minutes...
MyBB Debug Information
Page Generation
Page Generation Statistics
Page Generation Time: 	0.28294396400452 seconds 	No. DB Queries: 	9
PHP Processing Time: 	0.2694886 seconds (95.24%) 	DB Processing Time: 	0.0134554 seconds (4.76%)
Extensions Used: 	mysqli, xml 	Global.php Processing Time: 	0.2169080 seconds
PHP Version: 	5.2.17 	Server Load: 	Unknown
GZip Encoding Status: 	Enabled 	No. Templates Used: 	43 (44 Cached / 0 Manually Loaded)
Memory Usage: 	3.75 MB (3932160 bytes) 	Memory Limit: 	32M
Database Connections (1 Total)
[READ] [email protected] (Connected in 0s)

Database Queries (9 Total)
#1 - Write Query
SET NAMES 'utf8'
Query Time: 0.00046515464782715

#2 - Select Query
SELECT title,cache FROM mybb_cfaforumdatacache
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mybb_cfaforumdatacache 	ALL 					30 	
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#3 - Select Query
SELECT * FROM mybb_cfaforumsessions WHERE sid='bbae0786be4097e97b6585b6307a3035' AND ip='' LIMIT 1
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mybb_cfaforumsessions 	const 	PRIMARY,ip 	PRIMARY 	98 	const 	1 	
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#4 - Select Query
SELECT u.*, f.* FROM mybb_cfaforumusers u LEFT JOIN mybb_cfaforumuserfields f ON (f.ufid=u.uid) WHERE u.uid='1' LIMIT 1
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u 	const 	PRIMARY 	PRIMARY 	4 	const 	1 	
f 	const 	PRIMARY 	PRIMARY 	4 	const 	0 	unique row not found
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mybb_cfaforumthemes 	const 	PRIMARY 	PRIMARY 	2 	const 	1 	
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mybb_cfaforumtemplates 	ALL 					640 	Using where; Using filesort
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#8 - Select Query
SELECT s.sid, s.ip, s.uid, s.time, s.location, s.location1, u.username, u.invisible, u.usergroup, u.displaygroup FROM mybb_cfaforumsessions s LEFT JOIN mybb_cfaforumusers u ON (s.uid=u.uid) WHERE s.time>'1369104362' ORDER BY u.username ASC, s.time DESC
table 	type 	possible_keys 	key 	key_len 	ref 	rows 	Extra
s 	range 	time 	time 	8 		6 	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
u 	eq_ref 	PRIMARY 	PRIMARY 	4 	Robmeister89.s.uid 	1 	
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#9 - Select Query
SELECT f.*, fr.dateline AS lastread FROM mybb_cfaforumforums f LEFT JOIN mybb_cfaforumforumsread fr ON (fr.fid=f.fid AND fr.uid='1') WHERE != 0 ORDER BY pid, disporder
table 	type 	possible_keys 	key 	key_len 	ref 	rows 	Extra
f 	ALL 					17 	Using where; Using filesort
fr 	eq_ref 	fid 	fid 	8 	Robmeister89.f.fid,const 	1 	
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Template Statistics
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Templates Requiring Additional Calls (Not Cached at Startup) - 0 Total

(2013-05-21, 02:58 AM)Grumpy Wrote: [ -> ]That is definitely your hosting mate, just trust me... 9 queries in 6.3 seconds is stupidly slow. It's like an olympic athlete running the 100 metres in 6 minutes...

So why doesn't the website take forever to load then?

Just tested the site...!/
(FASTER) then 74%!/
(SLOWER) then 70%

I'm not sure what to do here... why is the forum loading slow but the not website itself? I'm not trying to sit here and blame mybb, just want to know what to do to improve the situation.

And now the forum won't even load for me...
Your forum can not be opened.

the link you gave is incorrect. should
/forum.html leads to my site with the forum embedded
/forum leads to the forum itself

The forum does open.. when it wants to. there is times where it loads in .2 seconds, as you can read in that code, and there is times where it takes 12 seconds.
Have you tried disabling your plugins to see if one of those is causing issues?
The website itself is slow like the forum, and obviously the forum is slower because it's not static HTML like your homepage. There's no queries involved there.
I removed two of my plugins and it looks like its loading a bit faster. I'm still having some members complain that it is not loading at all.

Also, why aren't the images showing up? Is there any way that the update to 1.6.10 messed those up? I can't view any issues on the main forum.

Disregard.. fixed the images problem. The update must have changed my template image directory.. its fixed.
^ do you have novus theme images uploaded at correct folder(s) ?
some image links are pointing to themes/novus-dusk/ folder and some are pointing to images/novus-dusk/ folder.
Whoops... not sure what happened to those theme images but they are gone. They're back now and its fixed.
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