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Thats /forum/index.php
// We still have birthdays - display them in our list!
foreach($today_bdays as $bdayuser)
if($bdayuser['displaygroup'] == 0)
$bdayuser['displaygroup'] = $bdayuser['usergroup'];
Red Text = Line 233
What could be wrong here?
Try rebuilding the birthdays cache and uploading a new copy of index.php. Did you recently do an import or something?
I tried both, no difference.

No i didn't, i think. Import what?
Might have something to do with a plugin. Try disabling all of your pluigns, see if that helps. If it does, enable them one by one and keep checking to see when the error comes back.
It does not help. I disabled all via general config., no affect. Then disabled and removed some of the plugins i installed recently and still no difference.

I am not sure but it might help to say there is someone who has birthday today because the line 233 is something with birthday.

Thanks, k1R@

I found the solution. As i said, its something with birthday.
Just disabled the, "Show Today's Birthdays?"

Its still interesting why that doesn't work if it is enabled.