As you can all se on my forum:
XboxCommunity, the theme color is green. I bought this custom theme, and changed the colors around me each forum in my network. For some reason, if you go over the top bars they are green, until you are done hovering, it turns blue. I have the same problem with the links such as the user dropdown.
How can I fix this?
You didn't change all colors. For example the blue on the bar before image is defined in .topwrap background as
#1387C9. Full line:
background: url("../../../images/hn/bg.png") repeat scroll 0 0 #1387C9
Use Firebug's inspect tool to localise other classes you forgot to modify or didn't do it completely.
(2013-06-02, 03:22 AM)Destroy666 Wrote: [ -> ]You didn't change all colors. For example the blue on the bar before image is defined in .topwrap background as #1387C9. Full line:
background: url("../../../images/hn/bg.png") repeat scroll 0 0 #1387C9
Use Firebug's inspect tool to localise other classes you forgot to modify or didn't do it completely.
It's not working for me. I even hard refreshed and cleared my cache.
I still need help with this.
Thank you.
The error was in Menu.css