I recently had FCGI and APC installed and enabled for my MyBB / wordpress server. Since then my users reported and I confirmed we get a WPOD / WSOD for these pages:
and every other user control panel page....
What are the proper compatible APC settings (I'm assuming that's what's up) for MyBB or is this issue something else?
thank you.
I've reviewed these threads:
But //die is no where in any of the current source code.
I'm using MyBB 1.6.10
thank you.
Anyone experienced WPOD (white page of death) or white screen of death errors with MyBB before somewhere along the lines that I'm dealing with? this is a bump for day two.
(2013-06-05, 06:08 PM)un4saken Wrote: [ -> ]What is your site url?
Not sure how a site link would help you... ??? ... as this is a php issue which you will not have access to those errors logs...
however I can post some snippets from the error logs if that helps.
When I used to get these it was because a function didn't exit or return properly. Do you have any plugins which might hook into usercp and only effect certain members?
Likely a bad plugin.
Hi Labrocca,
ty for the support!
let's see I have:
(some of these are deactivated but all of them are licensed where applicable)
BTW these all worked before the APC/FCGI was activated/installed on my VPS.
Advanced Quick Reply Form (1.0.3)
This plugin adds the MyCode Editor and the Smilie Inserter to the Quick Reply form.
Created by Phenomenon
MyBB Advanced Portal v (7)
Advanced Portal Plugin for MyBB.
Created by bomfile - dared
Akismet (1.2.2)
Akismet is a program that helps prevent SPAM on your forum.
Created by MyBB Group
Advanced MyCode Permissions (1.4)
Allows you to set permissions for custom MyCode use. Also allows you to use variables in your mycode.
Created by Jammerx2
Anti Proxy. (1.1)
This plugin detects most of the proxies and denies registration using proxies.
Created by Pratik Unadkat
Auto Media (2.1)
Embeds automatically videos and music from different sites in posts.
For more information view documentation.
Manage ed AutoMedia modules
Plugin settings
Reapply template edits (e.g. after reverting your templates)
Created by doylecc
Courtesy Edit Time (1.0)
Allow a courtesy edit time, whereby the 'edited by' message won't show up for a set amount of time.
Created by MattRogowski
Default Avatar (1.0)
Force users to have an avatar. Set default information in ACP -> Settings -> User Registration and Profile Options.
Click here to set a default avatar to current users which do not have one selected.
Created by Santiago Dimattia
Forum Icons (3.0)
Adds icons to forums on index.
Created by Jesse Labrocca
Game Section (1.2.2)
Makes a powerfull system for playing games on your MyBB board.
Created by Paretje
Google SEO (1.6.5)
Google Search Engine Optimization as described in the official Google's SEO starter guide. Please see the documentation for details.
404, Meta, Redirect, Sitemap and URL are enabled. (Configure)
Click to Revert changes to core files.
Created by Andreas Klauer
Hello PluginLibrary! (hello_pl.php)
A sample plugin for developers that demonstrates the features of the PluginLibrary.
Created by Andreas Klauer
Its My Birthday! (2.2)
Sends Mail/PM to user on his/her Birthday. Fully customizable including option to start a thread or post and having users add wishes without posting replys.
Created by - G33K -
Mods Cant Edit Admins Posts (1.1)
Moderators cannot edit administrators posts.
Created by Jammerx2
ModNotice Plus (1.5.2)
This plugin create a new edit option for moderators. It allow moderators to create a message which a normal user can't erase or change.
Created by Prtik
My Ad Manager (1.2)
The Ultimate Mybb Ad Management System
Created by Jesse Labrocca
My Awards (2.3)
Give awards icons to members.
Created by Jesse Labrocca
MyBBpublisher (1.7.0)
Publishes selected MyBB content to several social media sites.
Created by CommunityPlugins.com
MyFacebook Connect (1.0.2)
Integrates MyBB with Facebook, featuring login and registration.
Created by Shade
MySupport (0.4.2)
Add features to your forum to help with giving support. Allows you to mark a thread as solved or technical, assign threads to users, give threads priorities, mark a post as the best answer in a thread, and more to help you run a support forum.
Created by MattRogowski
Naoar Donation (2.0)
Accept Donations through AlertPay / LibertyReserve / Moneybookers(Skrill) / PayPal, manage donations / donors, add donations goal / target donations stat and more..
Created by Naoar.com
OUGC Featured Member (1.1)
Shows a member information anywhere in the forum.
Created by Omar G.
OUGC Show Forum Rules (1.0)
Show forum rules in the thread and edit post pages.
Created by Omar Gonzalez
PluginLibrary (11)
A collection of useful functions for other plugins.
Created by Andreas Klauer
Advanced Rainbow Colors For All Links (1.0)
Displays javascript logout confirmation.
DONATE and support us if you like the service.
Created by GodFather
RSS Feed Poster (1.5)
Auto creates posts from RSS feeds at specified intervals
Created by vbgamer45
SCD Hide From Groups (Free SCD Plugin) (2.5)
When d it will hide the contents of selected MyCode tags in your posts from selected groups.
Created by Dylan Myers
Sig Image Size (1.0)
Adds a signature image size check.
Created by Jesse Labrocca
Tapatalk (3.4.2)
Tapatalk Plugin for MyBB
Created by Quoord Systems Limited
Undo Delete (1.2.1)
Allows you to restore deleted threads, posts, polls and attachments.
Created by Sebastian Wunderlich
Who download this attachment (1.0)
Log who download attachments and display them as a list on postbit.
Created by Surdeanu Mihai
Do you have mod security enabled?
(2013-06-06, 12:55 AM)Leefish Wrote: [ -> ]Do you have mod security enabled?
I didn't have mod security module installed on my VPS but...
Mod_Security module is installed and running now.
But I still have the issue with certain urls not working on my site such as nearly all the options in user control panel for MyBB. still get a white screen. Also found out I'm getting a white screen on wordpress too... so it's a server config issue with APC or FCGI I think.... not sure yet...
Thanks to my server tech issue was solved!
Was uber simple too,
/var/lib/php/session needed chmode 777 since that's where FCGI writes session data.
Now that it's chmode is fixed everything works!
I hope this is helpful to anyone else who ends up with similar issue.
error_log will help you know what was happened