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Hey everyone,
Wondering if anyone could give me some help with this.

When I am in the thread view, and click the checkbox next to a thread, it doesn't select it properly.

Then, when I select the button at the top, it does select them.

Same issue when actually in the thread.

Now, it must be something to do with the way I've edited the theme because...

1. When I switch theme, it works.
2. When I re-install the theme on a fresh install, it works.

But, when I disable all plugins, it still doesn't work so nothing to do with plugins.

SOOOOO! I need to know which file I need to look at to see if the code has messed up in my recent fiddling.

check if replies here have a clue for above issue
(2013-06-14, 04:35 PM).m. Wrote: [ -> ]check if replies here have a clue for above issue

Nope. Nothing. Sad
^ you have turned off receiving PMs here. if you can give temporary admin panel access through PM, I can take a look
(2013-06-14, 05:16 PM).m. Wrote: [ -> ]^ you have turned off receiving PMs here. if you can give temporary admin panel access through PM, I can take a look
I'd only do it for someone who is a member of the staff of MyBB. Sorry.

(2013-06-14, 05:16 PM).m. Wrote: [ -> ]^ you have turned off receiving PMs here. if you can give temporary admin panel access through PM, I can take a look

Oh. My bad. Good rep Smile

-sends pm Smile
^ hmm., perhaps you want quick fix like instant coffee !