MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: WordPress Plugin
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Please be so kind and create a very very very simple WordPress plugin for this new version of MyBB that is to come. Please make it so that it overrides any previous versions that were already installed....say 1.4.4 without any tweekings or headaches. I love MyBB and appreciate it very much but I am have a heck of a time trying to upgrade to 1.6.10 and I just gave up.

Please be merciful for those of us who are on WordPress and are still struggling to learn. God Bless, I pray that God blesses you all with superb intelligence to do it for 2.0 and all of the upcoming versions.

Thanks much for understanding.
I'm not quite sure what you're asking. If you want a Wordpress plugin for something, you'll have to develop it yourself. We don't support third party software, we're not Wordpress developers. From the sounds of it you have Wordpress and MyBB installed alongside each other? You just need to follow the upgrade instructions.

[Docs: Upgrading]

You should really upgrade your forum as soon as a new version is released. We haven't supported MyBB 1.4 for years and it isn't secure.