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Full Version: [PAID REQUEST] User Charactersheets
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* Interested in procuring a custom mod that will only be available to me/my website. If you have any information or comments about the request feel free to comment but before any final work is done I'd like to get some quotes on prices since we're still in the fundraising stage for this project.

* Looking for a mod that will act similar to the register account/custom profile fields functions to create character-sheets on each account for posting. I run an RPG where members often have multiple characters and would love to have actual character-sheets linked through accounts for posting and pm purposes. A friend of mine who is a hobbyist programmer started developing this mod and got pretty far on it so I know it's possible; unfortunately due to life responsibilities and inexperience in the field, this friend isn't able to finish the modification. We're willing to give you all of our coding that we have so far for a reference or starting point to use, or you can start a code from scratch.


* User will have a button/area in their cPanel that will say "add/edit character".

* Adding a character will create a new row in our "mybb_characters" table in the database. Characters will each have an ID like users (lets just say CID for Character ID). The character table will have a UID (userid) field to link back to the userid of the player.

* Editing an existing character sheet will involve functions similar to the Custom Profile fields which are set in the admin cPanel (so that I can create specific fields for users to fill out).

* User Profile: not 100% how this would work. I think having tabs which could display each character-sheet would be nice. Probably would have to duplicate the userprofile templates/functions and create something like "Character Profile" mini-template that would be inserted into the User Profile template (if that made any sense).

* Posting: when posting a topic/reply, have a dropdown or something similar for a user to select which character-sheet to use when posting. It would be awesome if upon doing this the post could pull an avatar/image from a field in the character-sheet so that the same user can display a different avatar when using a different character.

* IMPORTANT: I NEED ASSISTANCE to either install the customization OR please code it as a plugin that I can install.

* I do NOT want this customization to be for public use (since I'm paying for it) so that our RPG is unique. Our board is currently under construction (it's about 90% done though and we're holding off completion for this mod) but if you'd like to see it I can give out links privately for anyone who is interested and needs more information about the requirements of the mod.