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Full Version: Date and time/ myshoutbox
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hey guys i'm using the lastest version of mybb and i'm having a few problems, maybe for someone looks simple but I NEED HELP!!

ok lets begin.

first problem (myshoutbox)

i have instaled the plugin on my forum, but the the shout box only appear for guests, when you login in your account the box disappear: ???

so i put the htm code of my shoutbox on the header of forum, and the box become be visible for users members admins mods, but when a guest enter on forum appear 2 shout boxes on the head of forum, it's bad, i wanna so much fix it.

and the other problem is date and time of shout box, i have altered the date for my correct date but the shoutbox dont change, so i uninstalled and reinstall, no sucess, the time still wrong, what i can do?. the forum date and time dont changed too, i have adjusted on admin cp but dont works.

for last:
i'm brazilian and i need a translation for the admin cp, but the has down, where i can found complete forum translate?
If it shows up for everyone, then what's the problem? Do you only want it to show up for registered + ?
shoutbox appearance for the groups --> navigate to below location and set the groups allowed
admin panel >> configuration >> settings >> MyShoutbox --> Groups allowed to view the shoutbox

shoutbox date & time --> not sure what exactly is the problem. give forum url & test user account to check

MyBB language packs --> see translations here