2006-11-30, 03:04 AM
Straight out, I need help adding special MyCode functions. I know only simple javascript like window.open and a few other things. I'm trying to add flash, windows media, quicktime, Youtube, and Google video as Mycode functions. I have the images for each, and the MyCode set in the Admin CP, I'm just trying to add the Mycode buttons with the javascript functions. I am trying to have javascript prompts to ask for the width, height, and src of the .swf, .mov, and .wmv files. And just the src for the Google Video and Youtube prompts. I know this is a lot, but I bet I'm not the only MyBB user that would like these features. If I need to state the exact MyCode and replacements that I have inputed in the Admin Cp, I will. I really need help on this topic. My site is a flash and web-design website, and this would be very helpful. If anyone had the time to help me with this it would be awesome.
(EDIT: Strikethrough and Blink Started working randomly a few minutes ago.)
(EDIT: Strikethrough and Blink Started working randomly a few minutes ago.)