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Full Version: Signature and post problem
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I have had my members telling me that it can be confusing reading members posts as the signature is not separated from the post.Is there a way i can correct this problem by deviding the signature away from the post thank you for any help on this
see replies here (see also this)
I cant get the plugin to work with my version of mybb 1.6.10 and i have tried editing the template doing both of these methods i see no change in the signature
I'd suggest to use below code given by pavemen
<br /><br />
<br /><br /><fieldset style="margin: 0 auto;">

this is a simple and good looking enhancement for the signatures
That is the code i tried in the the postbit signature template nothing happens my signature does not change
^ that should put a rectangular box for the signature. what exactly you want to separate the post & signature ?
Yes i wanted to separate the post from the signature as its too close and it all looks like one post.I dont understand why the code does not work i am using mybb 1.6.10 is there any more plugins to try
^ you can try below code
<br /><br />
<div class="signature">
<fieldset style="background: #ccc; 
                          border: 2px solid #f4c98c;

<legend style="background: #ccc;  
                          border: 2px solid #f4c98c;
                         -webkit-border-radius:5px; ">

<span style="color: #2554C7 ; class="smalltext">
<strong>{$post['username']}&nbsp;'s signature</strong></span></legend>

Edit: visit tools & maintenance section on the admin panel. does it report any problem with folders & files permissions (at the bottom)
Thanks but that code above you just gave me actually took away the signatures and not separate the signature
Quote:visit tools & maintenance section on the admin panel. does it report any problem with folders & files permissions (at the bottom) ?