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I am fairly fluent in PHP. However, I don't know If I should tackle this for my first plugin. Therefore, if no one opts to do this, I will be willing to do it myself.

However, for now, I am just gauging interest.

Who would all be interested in a REST Api.

It would be somewhat of a replica of but for MyBB.

Is anyone interested?

Edit: This would be more of a project and would/should require multiple peoples help (depending on certain circumstances) as this is a relatively big/huge project.
A few of us have already started coding such an API (unofficially from MyBB). So far we have the framework, a required plugin, security features (multiple options), and several different domains coded, with examples.

Yes, it is a huge project. Ours has stalled for a bit while we got busy with real life, but I am hoping I can get started again in the coming weeks.

It is currently hosted on BitBucket as private repo.
Great! Can't wait for it to come out.
This sounds pretty awesome! I am going to attempt to use XMLhttp to see if I can get some data out of the system from an external source, but not counting on too much
(2013-07-07, 10:24 PM)pavemen Wrote: [ -> ]A few of us have already started coding such an API (unofficially from MyBB). So far we have the framework, a required plugin, security features (multiple options), and several different domains coded, with examples.

Yes, it is a huge project. Ours has stalled for a bit while we got busy with real life, but I am hoping I can get started again in the coming weeks.

It is currently hosted on BitBucket as private repo.

Did you guys get anywhere since this post? Been looking for a MyBB JSON Api for a while now.
I have not had time to work on it, real life has got in the way.
(2013-11-26, 03:36 PM)pavemen Wrote: [ -> ]I have not had time to work on it, real life has got in the way.

Are you far into it from what you did get done?
Its mostly the framework but we have

Session management (load user/guest)
Post get
Threads get, set, delete, latest
Users get, set, delete, login

where get is pull specific ID(s), set is create new, delete is delete, latest is latest 50 or whatever is requested, login is login a user.

we have also added a trimmed down parser for building messages, etc.

even includes a few examples.

security is a mix of token, IP, and htpasswd. Supports noauth and auth calls where noauth returns only public details and auth gives all fields.

Return data is valid HTTP response codes and JSON encoded arrays
Not bad.

Any specific reason for bitbucket? Why not throw it on github as a public repo?
I just wanted a private repo while we developed. There has just been no time for me to work on it and those that have contributed have not been back in a while as they are busy too.

The framework was the hardest part, now its just coding the various domains and namespaces. We worked with the most used features from an external use standpoint (showing posts and threads, users, sessions). There is usually little need to add a forum from an external source and things like that.

Can you code, do you want to contribute?
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