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Full Version: Parts of footer missing
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Unsure how this as come across, never had this problem before.

The first attachment is how it should look.

And the next two attachments are the pages I've found that are missing.

Any help!
In text, can you explain what issue/problem you are facing?
Well like i said, attachment 1 the footer is fine..

attachment 2 the footer is half missing

and the same with attachment 3

It's not going to the bottom of the screen....
Seems like a problem from your side, what browser are you using?

I see the following:

I don't see any white gap below the footer and above the task bar.
I'm using firefox.
I'm using the same browser. Try clearing your cache and restarting your browser.

To clear your cache; Open CMD and type in "ipconfig/flushdns" without the quotes and hit enter.
Don't suppose you know how to sort this out do you?

account, test - pw/ test
(2013-07-13, 11:03 AM)jamie1990 Wrote: [ -> ]Don't suppose you know how to sort this out do you?

account, test - pw/ test

I'll take a look. I would recommend you sending me a PM if you want me to take a look at one of your threads Smile