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Full Version: plz help !!!
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l did every thing also uploaded Mybb and installed it but not working
when u click upload mybb comes but when u click anything error comes
can anyone help me ill b thank full
and if anyone needs information ill give him my user and pass just pm me
l made it on
if you want only the staff to provide direct help then sorry, staff like you to do it yourself Wink
you have to upload the contents of Upload directory only and install MyBB (see guidance)
ok u can help me brother Smile
^ hmm., what is this comment
Quote:[Image: fuwm.gif]
You would need to contact your host because I see a "Too many Connections" MySQL error and you would have to ask your host to increase the max_connections value.
This is solved Smile
What the solution? Maybe this can help someone else out.
that was a file named lock.php l deleted it and now site is working Smile
Why you uploaded mybb in upload folder
l uploaded upload folder ^_^

i know l made a mistake l dont have time to fix it Toungue