hello friends.
how to do this:
I want a great avatar in posbit_classic and posbit different.
I just want to change the avatar on posbit great.
please reply.
hello effone.
how to change the width and height of an avatar, just in posbit.
I want the width of avatars in postbit, 70x70.
AdminCP > Configurations > Show Thread Options >
Maximum Avatar Dimensions in Posts > and edit 70x70 to your desired dimensions.
hello yaldaram .
I want to make this change avatar size only, in postbit 70x70. in postbit_classic fixed 150x150 size.
Find this variable in 'postbit' template:
make it:
<span class="postavatar">{$post['useravatar']}</span>
Now add at the end of your global.css:
.postavatar a img {width: 70px; height: 70px; }