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I set up a Google analytics account and pasted the tracking code into the footer of MyBB. When I check 'tracking info' it says the tracking code is not found and I have no data recorded. It's been close to 24hr since I set it all up.

My site is a little different as all traffic is redirected and there is no index.html/xhtml, is that a problem.

I am new to this so I could use a little advice.

- Rich -
I've put my code in the header , and it works without problem.
Try to put it in the header and wait for 24 hr.

I had read here that it should be placed in the footer for less parsing.

- Rich -
You can use a mod for it as well.
I use a mod for google analytics and it works great

Yes. But it is best to just paste into the header or footer.

Really, my concern here is that Google does not see an index page so is not seeing tracking code on the 'home page' as Google calls it. I have fully integrated my site into MyBB with the help of the page manager plugin (way cool plugin). All my pages include a MyBB header and footer. I redirect inbound traffic to a page manager page so when you type in (in your browser) my domain name (even when including 'index.html/xhtml' as part of the URL) your are redirect to a directory and page.

You can see what I mean by visiting my site (I hope it's OK to list it here) You will be redirected to the board directory and my main index page. I'm wondering if this is messing up Google Analytics. I have never used GA so I'm not sure if it's my problem or it just does not work placing it in the footer as suggested.

- Rich -
^ move the code to the bottom of the footer template and check if it works
Hi .m. ,

Will do. Thanks. Fingers crossed.

- Rich -


It is starting to report data now, although it still says the home page has no tracking code. But, it is reporting data. Good call .m. .

- Rich -