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Full Version: fix post bit layout to classic?
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I can't get this postbit to be classic even when I'm using classic as default in the ACP. Is there a way I can change it in my UserCP?

I think it look fine in guest view but not in register (from my profile view).

If you need me to post a test account, let me know.
Run this query in phpMyAdmin:
UPDATE `mybb_users` SET `classicpostbit` = '1' WHERE `classicpostbit` = '0' 
This will set the classic postbit to every user already registered.
How do I get to phpMyAdmin? Do I have to log into my host account on Hostgator?
Yes, you must log into cPanel. There, on the Databases category, you must access your database through phpMyAdmin. Once there, you must go to the SQL tab where you insert that code.
I have like 6 different database, is there a way to find out which database go to my site ?
you can use force postbit layout plugin.
it forces the postbit layout to all the users (set in show thread options in admin panel)
Try this worked fine for me in the past. Smile
Nevermind as I posted .m. already posted same. lol
Alright, I'll give it a try. Thanks!
I honestly value and respect the replies posted by .m. and xeN4_h4Xt0r but I wouldn't recommend using a plugin. Reasons for this is because firstly it's very easy to force classic postbit and second which is "The more plugins you have; The more code there is to be injected" which could also be a huge security issue.

If you really want to force classic postbit then follow the reply by Baltzatu. To confirm, which database you use, you can check in .inc/config.php.