Do you have user pruning enabled?
Hi thanks for you reply User Pruning is set to OFF
definitely not. Plus these users are very active.
We removed the pruning addon a long time ago.
We are using version 1.6.3 by the way
I see the pruning option is not an addon its inbuilt. It IS off. PS Busa-Rod is also from the admin team on our forum
Quote:We are using version 1.6.3 by the way
You should upgrade to the latest version of MyBB ASAP. Your forum is at risk if you do not.
Do you have any anti-spam plugins which delete user accounts? I have a feeling it's a plugin causing it. MyBB doesn't delete accounts unless instructed to.
no. I have purposely removed as many plugins as possible a while back.
We only have 5 plugins and none of them have anything to do with pruning or similar
Go to ACP>Tools & Maintennce>Logs>Administrator Logs
Do you see any action mentioning a certain Admin deleting any member from your board?