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Full Version: Several Questions
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1. Hello, i was thinking about a specific rating page which i´ll place on the toplinks.

Firstly, i will create this page via Page Manger and in html.
This will look so:

Map Rating

Map Preview: Screenshot
Map by: XYZName
Made in: Date
Rating: Users can rate
(relating to the mybb thread rating)
What i need to know is, how to implement this rating tool inside of any content and not on the thread view.
Imagined like: - Rating: {thread_rating} -

Also it might be informative, that i globally have disabled the thread rating for the forums.

2. On my board, i have a forum called "Sharing" where people can share all kind of things, from amazing youtube videos to useful programs and more.

But i thought to have and make a kind of statistic for it, so on the "Board Statistics" there will be a area for Top Sharer detecting the people/user with the most shares/most threads made in this "Sharing" forum.

Also i have the Template Conditionals plugin(if this is necessary and informative)

3. Is there a way to add a poll on the sidebox.(Using Advanced Sidebox 1.7.1) I thought like the poll could and should be made in a thread before and be just implemented with a specific code to the sidebox. Anyone could provide a code for this? I think many people are looking for this.

Thanks & Regards,