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Full Version: MAMP, Can't register (error 500)
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I installed MyBB on my MAMP server on my mac.
So my problem is that i can't register. My admin account did registered on MyBB installation but people and I can't register.

I'm using MyBB 1.6.10
Running on MAMP on MAC Os 1.5
With PHP 5.2.17

The thing is that i can conenct and everything is working fine but the sign up.

In fact, (on Safari) when I'm pressing the Sign up button, i can enter my informations and when i press Submit, it send me to : http://*cencured ip*/forum/member.php
and all the page is blank. There's no errors and no errors in logs.

When i try with Chrome, it says: Error 500

I tried to restart MAMP, Disabled all plugins. Reuploaded member.php but nothing to do. It still won't work.

Please help ! D:
500 is a generic error. Check your server error logs for more information.
Hi Nathan, so I checked my error logs and when I do an inscription then got the blank member.php page, nothing appear on the log. But if I refresh and resending the informations, I got this: [03-Aug-2013 00:02:18] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function unicode_chr() in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/forum/inc/datahandlers/user.php on line 73

But I think its because I am refreshing... so I don't know.
That function was removed a few years ago. Have you tried to upgrade MyBB from a previous version or something along those lines?

[Issue #1467]
I don't think so, first of all, I was on a Windows7 PC and makin my forum (installed the last version 1.6.10 no update) with WAMP. (But I didn't checked if registering were working.. :/) But I had to get my MAC and I saved all the forum and his database then transfered the forum from WAMP to MAMP (on my mac) and then i saw that registering weren't working.
Maybe its because I installed MyBB on WAMP first ?
Should I reinstall MyBB as first step on MAMP ?

Edit: I'll try to reupload user.php ; Maybe one of my plugins broken it.
Edit2: Yep, my user.php were broken, maybe cause of one of my plugin or dunno, thnx !