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Full Version: unapproved forum, (view only own threads) Please Read!
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i have tried to make the same kind of forum as mybb has with Showcase here but something does not work correctly and i just don't know what could be wrong.

I have made the first forum called Showcase 2 as example, this one needs thread approval and the second one called Unapproved.

So, i made a test thread on Showcase 2 with a test account which is on the group "registered". Then approved with the admin account and its all fine. Then i also tried the unapproved purpose: Moved the thread to the Unapproved forum and approved so the thread poster is able to see and reply on it.

And now if i am on the test account again, this is how it appears in the
forum index: [attachment=29873]
showcase forum: [attachment=29872]

if i click on the showcase forum, there is just nothing from me. So, as a admin i can see the unapproved thread and as user not but the user should be able to see because i have configured it so:

Checked - Can view forum?
Not Checked - Can view threads within forum?
Checked - Can only view own threads?
Checked - Can download attachments?

and this is my own thread, isn't it? Confused Kinda confusing.

If you know whats wrong or have the solution please tell me.

Thanks & Regards, k1R@
can view threads within forum also needs to be in checked status (more details)
Omg, yes that works. Thank you.

Thats a very confusing point of mybb, indeed.