MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: put plate in mybb( group images )
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l have found this and l want to put

help will be appreciated
Hi nicest,

If you have already downloaded the rank images pack, then upload the images to your server via FTP.

Then go to your ACP > Users & Groups > Gropus > the group you want to add the image for > Group Image and add the path for the image.

So, if we take the Administrator group as an example, it would be something like this: ACP > Users & Groups > Administrator > /images/administator.png
Solved Smile
For further info, there are some advanced tricks related to "Dynamic Path" settings; which AndroidOS didn't mention, read this:
Effone can u make me 1 logo ?
Effone is great designer go to his site and request logo for your site
its saying points needed 300 if effone will not help of course ill ask someone else ^_^
This topic going off ...
PM me with your detail requirement, sitelink, text, caption etc and I'll do it for you.